Job Interview: the Dos

Job Interview: the Dos

Here’s a few things you should definitely keep in mind while sitting opposite your interviewer.

Use your voice

Avoid the formal, public speaking voice. Being yourself will allow you to show the authentic, confident individual you are.

Answer questions honestly

It’s perfectly acceptable to admit  lack of experience on a specific subject. Direct the conversation towards your positive attitude for learning and developing.

Discuss your achievements

In your answers, implement your professional and academic successes and where possible back them with facts and figures.

Show your Engagement

Use the interviewer's name, show that you’re listening and have real interest in the conversation.

Ask questions

What’s your day-to-day going to be? What potential does the position have? Asking questions shows you care. Feel confident in doing it.

Stand while you wait

Standing in the boardroom will allow you to feel more confident, as you will be on the interviewers’  level when you first meet them.

Show your hands 

Showing your hands in a calm manner during an interview can be perceived as a sign of openness and honesty. Make sure you have a manicure!